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Q: Is it true that more than one betta in a tank will end in a fight?
A: Yes and no. Two bettas can be in the same tank if both are female or one is female. More than one male betta in a tank may lead to a fight. Males are very aggressive (bettas real name is Simease Fighting Fish). Although some males are calm, it is highly recommended you keep them apart.

Q: I found some fish in a nearby stream-can I keep them as pets?
A: It depends what kind of water the stream was. If it was salty water and you put them in a fresh tank, and vise- versa, they will die. If it was running water and you put them in still water, and vise- versa, they will die. If it was warm water and you put them in cold water, and vise- versa, they will die. Keeping wild animals is never recommended because you may not know what is best for them no matter how well you mean.